
Supporting sports has always been at the heart of Premier Foods Limited (PFL). Be it community football or any other sporting activity within its project area. This year, PFL was among the partners that sponsored the 2021 Nation Classic Golf Series tournament which was set to take place in Various counties: Eldoret on June 5th, Mombasa 10th July and lastly Nairobi for the Grand finale on the 2nd of October 2021.

‘‘We go out of our way to ensure that we support initiatives that are beneficial to all our stakeholders and sports is among the many programmes we support.’’Duncan Indeche, Sustainability Officer PFL

Golf as a sport provides an opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to engage in a fun yet beneficial to both our physical and mental health.

This legendary annual tournament started in 1985 by the Nation Media Group (NMG) and was later launched in 1996 as the National Classic Golf Series.

 ‘‘The objective of the golf Classic tournament is to increase visibility in the regions and grow networking portfolio among the stakeholders.’’ NMG

The annual tournament has so far attracted the interest of golfers from all over the country. With various stakeholders in attendance, it has brought together people across various spheres including regional and local clients, suppliers, partners, and other organizational stakeholders.

Premier Foods

Author Premier Foods

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