PFL products have been gracing Kenyan tables for nearly 85 years. Explore all of the delicious, high-quality cordials and sauces from the House of Peptang.


PFL is a member of Industrial Promotion Services (K) Ltd (IPS) group of companies, which is the industrial and infrastructure arm of the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED) – an international development agency dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and building economically sound enterprises in sub-Saharan Africa as well as Central and Southern Asia.
AKFED is an affiliate of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), an organization dedicated to improving human living conditions, strengthening cultural foundations and promoting corporate social responsibility.

The Fiery Food Challenge is the most recognized, most prestigious competition of zesty products in the industry. The 2005 fiery food challenge was most competitive ever. Almost 900 entries went head to head across 87 categories to compete for the Golden Chile award, which was won by the PFIL’s “Pili-Pili” brand. Various awards won are include:
- 1st Prize – International Category Fiery Food Challenge – Zest Fest 2005 for the Pili-Pili Hot and Sweet sauce
- 2nd Prize – International Category Fiery Food Challenge – Zest Fest 2005 for the Pili-Pili Hot Sauce
- 3rd Prize – International Category Fiery Food Challenge – Zest Fest 2006 for the Pili-Pili Garlic Hot Sauce
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize – Marketing – Label Fiery Food Challenge for the Pili Pili Chili Sauce, Hot Sauce and Hot and Sweet Sauce
- 3rd Prize – People’s Choice Houston Sauce Competition for the Pili-Pili8 Hot and Sweet Sauce
- 2nd Prize – Barbeque Category, Scovie Award for the Pili-Pili Hot and Sweet Sauce