25kms Northwest of Nanyuki lies Daraja Academy, a girls’ boarding high school that sponsors every girl child in the institution. As the PFL team drives into the school premises, three girls are melodiously practicing the song speechless for entertaining the guests at the donation drive that the school organized for various stakeholders including Premier Foods Limited (PFL), to help raise funds to support the girls.
Amid Covid-19, more girls have been admitted into Daraja Academy which posed a great financial challenge for the school.
Daraja Academy is a boarding secondary school that empowers exceptional Kenyan girls that lack the financial means to continue with their education. The school provides every girl child with full scholarships, shelter, food, healthcare, and counselling services to allow students to fully focus on academic and personal development.
‘‘There are many ways of giving back to the community, but nothing beats empowering girls by supporting their education. Premier Foods limited (PFL) whose brands are PEPTANG, PEP and ORCHID VALLEY has education programmes ranging from scholarships, mentorship programmes, internships, attachment and employment opportunities for the youth.’’ Says Martin Mutuku, CEO, PFL.
The CEO added that it was a privilege for PFL to be part of the donation drive and hopes that through PFL’s educational programmes they will continue to empower more girls in the community.
‘‘I want to thank you for showing up to support Daraja Academy, especially through your donations including Orchid Valley and other PEPTANG drinks which were very delicious. I enjoyed the juices and so did my colleagues, teachers and guests. You made our day interesting. This was one of the best moments of the event. May you never lack. Thank you and be blessed.’’ Mary Omuoko, Form 2 students from Daraja academy.
At PFL we acknowledge that quality education is a need for every child regardless of their gender, family background and community to which they belong. We strive to support education by creating an education system and more opportunities for the next generation through our education programme.