
With numerous chatters on the effects of climate change across the globe, companies are actively involved in environmentally sustainable initiatives to restore the environment. Premier Food Limited (PFL) has jumped on the ecosystem restoration bandwagon by planting trees seedlings and training students in the community schools around them on eco-brick recycling.

By June 2021, PFL has planted over 17,000 seedlings including mango seedlings, Pygeum trees and Hass Avocado in several schools within the community. They have a goal of planting as many trees as possible within their region as a way to help curb climate change. The fact that they are also planting fruit trees in the region will help supplement the community’s diet with nutritious fruits.

They have also promoted eco-brick recycling in schools. The sustainability champions from PFL trained the students on how to make Eco-bricks by stuffing pet plastic bottles with clean and non-recyclable plastics and later used them as building blocks. During eco-bricks creative sessions in Ruaraka high school and Gikambura primary school, 220 eco-bricks were used to demarcate tree nurseries and flower beds within the schools.


‘’ With the goal of these Programmes being to nurture the younger generation on environmental sustainability, PFL intends to plant more trees and fruits in various local schools. We also plan on training more students on how to make Eco-bricks and creative ways of using them in their environment.’’ Says Duncan Indeche, Officer in charge of Sustainability activities PFL.

Their partnership with like-minded groups such as Miti alliance and FRIGOKEN, to support local schools in their environmental initiatives has ensured the projects are a success.

Premier Foods

Author Premier Foods

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